Monday, November 19, 2012

Chugging along

Well, My first week went okay. I wasn't good over the weekend. I went out of town with a friend and I wasn't prepared for eating out. I actually did good most meals but I know I ate more chips at the Mexican restaurant than I should have. But I was proud I resisted the margarita and went for the Michelob ultra instead.

Last week went even better!  I find the Belly Fat Cure so much easier than Weight Watchers.  I think what's helping me even more is that I downloaded the Belly Fat Cure app.  It's helpful to log it all in my phone especially when I'm eating out.  I've lost 4.5 pounds now.  It's slowly coming off but as long as it keeps going down then I'm happy with that rate.

I didn't end up running the half marathon in Pensacola.  My friend that I was suppose to go with had some health issues and didn't feel it was smart to go run (which I agreed).  Since I was already registered I still wanted to go to at least get my shirt.  I got another friend to go with me but she wasn't up for running so we just cheered on the runners.  I wish I took a picture of my sign but it was a big hit!  I actually saw this sign at my last half marathon so I just coped it.  It said, "Touch here for energy" and then I drew a colorful bulls eye.  We stood at about the 12 mile marker for the half marathoners and the 20 mile marker for the full marathoners.  People got a kick out of sign and I had tons of people that would come hit the sign.

Tonight Chris and I went to register for wedding gifts at Target.  That was fun!  We are registered at a few places so I need to make sure we haven't registered for the same items.

Alright well nothing too exciting to update. Til next time...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nike Women's Marathon

I don't even know where to start.  I will try to not make this too long and bore you.  But I do want to give you the full story in case you are ever considering joining Team in Training or running a race.

I've mentioned Team in Training in previous post. It's a great program where you get training and support for a race (marathon, half marathon, triathlon, etc.) and in exchange you help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society.  If you would like to learn more about a chapter near you check out their website.  I want to point out that every raise the fundraising is a little different.  I had to raise a minimum of $3,200 which almost scared me off from joining.  It's a lot of money!  But you have to remember what that money does to help cancer patients.  Plus Team in Training gives you a mentor that helps make sure you get the money raised with great fundraising ideas.  So don't let the amount of money you have to raise scare you off. 

Training started in May and the event was October 14th.  So I had plenty of time to train and to get to know my teammates.  I love my teammates! The experience wouldn't have been the same without them.

We (myself and about 8 teammates) left for San Francisco early Friday morning (Oct 12th). We had a connecting flight in Houston.  The 45 minute layover turned into an all day affair.  When we landed in Houston our 9 AM flight to San Francisco was cancelled! Then we found out we had all been split up onto different flight going out at 7PM and 9:30PM. It was a bit of a nightmare.  Some of use ended up getting on a 3:30 flight that was delayed until 6PM.  Our luck wasn't great that day.  Needless to say we all made it to San Francisco but much later than expected. 

The next day, Saturday, I woke up early because of the time difference between Louisiana and Cali.  I figured there wouldn't be too many people up at this time so I went down to the Starbucks in our lobby in my pajamas.  To my surprise there was hundreds of people down there and no one else was still in their pajamas.  I didn't care I still stood in the long line for my Starbucks.  After my friend, Rebecca, and I got ready we went to the Expotique in Union Square to pick up our bib packets!

It's suppose to say RUN behind us.

After the Expotique we headed over to Nike Town to check our names on the wall. Every runner has their name on the wall outside of Nike Town.

My friend Rebecca got a custom made shirt at Nike Town with 26.2 on it.  She was the only one from our area running the full marathon. At lunch we attended an Inspiration "Dinner".  There's so many TNT people at this race that they had to split the dinner into 3 sessions and we got the earliest ones.  Of course at this time I was not worried about low carbs and I had lots of pasta.  They had the most delicious pesto sauce that I've ever had.  I need to figure out who catered that lunch.  When we first sat down at our tables they had big screens showing pictures of everyone's honored heros.  We also had a few speakers.  One of them was a cancer survivor who was running her first half marathon with us.  A very awesome and emotional afternoon.

After the lunch we had some down time.  Later that afternoon a group of us got ready to go "run" the Golden Gate Bridge. This was one of my favorite parts.  I had been to San Francisco once before so I had seen the Golden Gate Bridge but I had never gone across it.  I didn't run the whole thing because I wanted to save my legs for the next day and my feet were already a little sore.  All the way across and back is about 3 miles. 

View from the bridge


 After this some of us went out to watch the LSU game (which I could have really cared less about) and grab a bite. Then I went back to my hotel room to get everything ready for the big day.  I was so excited but also surprisingly calm instead of nervous. 
The next morning we woke up bright and early and all meet in the lobby.  Then we broke up into our pace times.  When I signed up for the race I picked the slowest time because I had no idea how fast I would run.  I wish I had picked the pace above mine but I learned that for the next time. There was 5 other teammates with me in the back of the pack of 25,000 people (mostly women).  The gun went off at 7 AM and I was pumped! But of course we didn't cross the start line until 7:30 because we were so far back!
The first 3 miles or so I stayed with a teammate, Meg, but soon after that I passed her and didn't see her again.  Then right after that I saw our Coach out on the course. I ran up to her and gave her a hug.  Then came the hills. OMG! I mean I know the hills in San Francisco are crazy but mile 6 was insane!!!  The hill never ended!  I ran it at first but I eventually had to walk/run it.  Not only was it tiring but there was sooo many people on the course that it was getting difficult to weave in and out of people.  After that the down hill was awesome!  The hills kept coming though.  I tried to run them but I usually ended up run/walking them.  All of the signs and people cheering us on were amazing.  It really makes a difference when someone is out there cheering you on even if they don't know you.  Our coach had told us to decorate our jerseys with our names on the front because people do yell out your name if they see it.  It seems so silly but hearing my name just gave me that extra boost.
Mile 11 I hit a wall.  I had nothing left in me! I started walking and I wasn't sure if was going to be able to run any more.  Now I know I should have brought an extra pack of sports beans (which now that I'm going no sugar again I have to find a replacement).  I had to push through.  I thought of my brother (who I ran in honor of because he's currently fighting cancer right now) and I thought of all the tests and treatments he has to go through which are much more grueling.  It helped me push though but it was still really tough.  Every time I would walk I would try to psych myself up to run again.  I ended up running past that finish line with a time of 2:41:15  My goal was 2:40 but that included a pit stop going to the bathroom so I was pleased with my time.

At the end of the race we were greeted by firemen in tuxedos handing out little blue Tiffany's boxes!  Our finisher's medal is actually a Tiffany's necklace. I love it!

Honestly though, all I wanted when I crossed that line was food.  That was what they were handing out next.  I took everything that they would hand me.  I've never been so pumped about eating a cold bagel in my life.  I finally found our TNT tent where there was some yummy sandwiches and eventually I started to fine some other teammates.  I stayed for a few hours until my friend, Rebecca finished the marathon.  She did so well and I wish I could have seen her cross the finish line but the way it was set up was that once you crossed the finish line there was no way to go around back to the race area.
We eventually all went back to the hotel and took warm showers and naps. Then it was celebration time! I pretty much danced until they shut the dance floor down. I don't know where the energy came from but if I hear some dance music I just can't help myself.
Rebecca and I finally enjoying some booze!

 The next day was the day we left San Fran :(  I was soooo sore.  Stairs were the devil! But it was worth every sore muscle.  I really hope I can do this event again next year.

I'm so thankful to all of my teammates for one of the greatest experiences ever!  Also our amazing coach, Mauri, I couldn't have done it without her. All Team in Training participants combined raised $10 million for this race alone.  So not only did we all have the time of our lives we made a significant difference in the lives of those with cancer. Thank you to my friends, family members, my brother's friends, and even complete strangers who donated to my fundraiser.  I couldn't have done this without every ones support.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm Back

Hello! I'm back. I hope to make this a habit!

So a lot has happened since I've written on the blog.  I completely stopped eating the Belly Fat Cure way. I have struggled with eating healthy! I joined weight watchers online (I think twice, I'm currently enrolled right now) but I find it such a pain in the butt to figure out the points value of everything you eat.  With BFC it's easier because you only need to know two nutrition facts (and make sure there's no false sugar) plus it's easy to remember the 0/0 items for when I don't want to have to "think" too much.  So with that said I started BFC again on Monday.  I'm already down 2 pounds!!

In other news, I ran my half marathon in San Francisco.  That's right only a half not the full but I don't want to say only because I trained hard for those 13.1 miles.  It was the most amazing experience.  I will have to devote another post to the whole thing.  Two weeks after my first half I ran another half! And I'm running another one this weekend.  It's so addicting.  Unfortunately it hasn't seemed to help with my weight lose goals.  I remember this post from Amber from the blog Me & Jorge. I remember thinking I hope she's wrong. She wasn't :(

The wedding planning is in full swing so I'm mildly stressed : )  More reason to get my diet under control now! We have a date set, venue picked, dress picked, and we just sent out our save the dates. Here's our wedding website: I'm ready to just do this thing!!

Well I'm glad I finally posted.  I will return soon to talk about the Nike Women's Marathon experience!