About Me

I currently live in Baton Rouge, LA....only temporarily as my fiance, Chris, finishes his paramedic certification.  I am Texas born and breed!  And I have also lived in Chicago.  Both Texas and Chicago hold very special places in my heart!  I started my blog to talk about my weight loss journey and my goal to run a marathon.  I follow the Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise to lose weight. You can learn more here. The two main points are to only consume up to 15 grams of sugar a day (no artificial sweeteners, only stevia) and only up to 6 carb servings a day (120 grams of carbs).  You can read about my favorite BFC recipes under the recipes tab.

Chris and I at an LSU game (his team not mine, Hook'em Horns!)

Also, I have two dogs that are my life! Marcel is the smaller dog a stray that showed up at our door.  He appears to be a a Yorkie mix. And we have Champ whom Chris has had since he was a puppy (for about 10 years now). Champ is a Golden Retriever.


                Champ                                                          Bestfriends